耐洁/Nalgene_6803-0001_移液管架_丙烯酸 1个

耐洁/Nalgene_6803-0001_移液管架_丙烯酸 1个

移液管架_丙烯酸 1个

丙烯酸 1个

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Nalgene 移液管架,丙烯酸

Keep pipetters within reach and behind the beta shield with the Thermo 

Scientific Nalgene Pipetter Rack and Stand, which allows convenient, 

safe handling of pipetters used with radioisotopes. It holds four 

standard size pipetters and can be hung on any benchtop beta shield or 

on its own stand. This rack is useful for decluttering work areas.


  • Stand is 3/8″ (9mm) thick acrylic and works as a mini beta shield
  • Pipettes sold separately
  • 自定义
  • 包装