沃特曼/whatman_1703-050_无灰过滤器_灰分含量 0.015% 500g/PK

沃特曼/whatman_1703-050_无灰过滤器_灰分含量 0.015%  500g/PK

无灰过滤器_灰分含量 0.015% 500g/PK

灰分含量 0.015% 500g/PK

  • 原厂型号

  • 品牌

  • 单件重量

  • 货期

商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)

Ashless Clippings, ashless filter aid

Ashless clippings

Whatman ashless filter aids enhance filtration speed by coagulating precipitates or

 suspensions to form a thick retentive “prefilter” layer on top of normal filter paper.

Easily dispersible, the powder is of a purity similar to that of Whatman ashless quantitative papers. 

It is supplied with a two-ended scoop for measuring 0.5 g or 2.5 g quantities.

  • 自定义