耐洁/Nalgene_2221-0020_提手大瓶_PP 8L PP螺旋盖

耐洁/Nalgene_2221-0020_提手大瓶_PP 8L PP螺旋盖

代理商提手大瓶_PP 8L PP螺旋盖

PP 8L PP螺旋盖

  • 原厂型号

  • 品牌

  • 单件重量

  • 货期

商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)

Nalgene Polypropylene Jugs with Closure

Safely handle corrosive liquids using rubber gloves and the large carrying 

handle on Thermo Scientific Nalgene Polypropylene Jugs. These jugs offer 

excellent chemical resistance. The pour spout is offset for easy, accurate pouring.


  • Lightweight for easy handling and carrying—one-third the weight of glass
  • Autoclavable/Leakproof?


Polypropylene screw caps


Completely disengage threads or remove cap before autoclaving polypropylene jugs. 

For the best results, autoclave using a properly vented closure.

2221-0010  大壶,聚丙烯;聚丙烯螺旋盖,4L容量

2221-0020  大壶,聚丙烯;聚丙烯螺旋盖,8L容量
