惠顿/wheaton_224950_标准开口瓶_配件 方便包 1.5mL , 无色透明, 无刻度,顶端开口,黑色酚醛树脂盖,PTFE表面硅树脂盖垫

惠顿/wheaton_224950_标准开口瓶_配件 方便包 1.5mL , 无色透明, 无刻度,顶端开口,黑色酚醛树脂盖,PTFE表面硅树脂盖垫

代理商标准开口瓶_配件 方便包 1.5mL , 无色透明, 无刻度,顶端开口,黑色酚醛树脂盖,PTFE表面硅树脂盖垫

配件 方便包 1.5mL , 无色透明, 无刻度,顶端开口,黑色酚醛树脂盖,PTFE表面硅树脂盖垫

  • 原厂型号

  • 品牌

  • 单件重量

  • 货期

商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)


These glass vials are the original design used in most autosamplers requiring traditional screw top vials. The vials are manufactured from Type I borosilicate glass. Vials are packaged 100 per shelf pack and 10 packs per case. Glass limited volume inserts are available with flat bottoms or springs. The black polypropylene screw caps can be purchased separately or preassembled. For quick and easy preparation, purchase vials and caps together in Wheaton Convenience Packs.

  • Manufactured from clear and amber Type I borosilicate glass
  • Limited volume inserts
  • Pre-assembled black polypropylene screw cap with septa
  • Screw cap and septa available separately
  • Purchase vials and caps separately or together in Convenience Packs
