惠顿/wheaton_240481_地下抓斗式取样器_ 38-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖

惠顿/wheaton_240481_地下抓斗式取样器_ 38-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖

代理商地下抓斗式取样器_ 38-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖

38-430 带PTFE表面橡胶塞垫的黑色酚醛树脂旋盖

  • 原厂型号

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  • 单件重量

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Each sampler consists of an inert polypropylene head with stainless steel fittings and an aluminum pole assembly with a golden alodine finish. It comes with a 1000 mL narrow-mouth sample bottle with a PTFE- lined cap. To use it, screw a sample bottle into the head and lower to the desired depth. Pull the cable at the top of the handle which will lift a spring-loaded plunger from the bottle opening, allowing liquid to enter through four 5/8″ diameter holes. Release the cable when the bottle is full to reseat the plunger.

  • Excellent for accessing fluid flow in deep manholes and hard to reach sub-surface sampling areas
  • Helps meet EPA requirements for water and waste water sampling
  • Available in lengths up to 18 ft. (5.5 m)
