VWR_216-0079_玻璃平皿_结晶皿 3500ml without spout

VWR_216-0079_玻璃平皿_结晶皿 3500ml without spout

玻璃平皿_结晶皿 3500ml without spout

结晶皿 3500ml without spout

  • 原厂型号

  • 品牌

  • 单件重量

  • 货期

商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)

Dishes, crystallising

Supplier: VWR Collection

Borosilicate glass, grade 3.3, with or without spout.
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • High temperature resistance up to +500 °C
  • Minimal thermal expansion, giving relatively high resistance to temperature changes

The economical alternative for a wide range of applications. With round labelling area.
DIN 12337 (without spout)
DIN 12338 (with spout)

VWR_216-0079_玻璃平皿_结晶皿 3500ml without spout
