代理商热缩托盘包装窄口包装瓶_HDPE 250ml 天然聚丙烯盖 30个/盒 300个/箱
HDPE 250ml 天然聚丙烯盖 30个/盒 300个/箱
Nalgene Easily handle Thermo Scientific Nalgene Narrow-Mouth HDPE Bottles, conveniently packaged in shrink-wrap trays and ready to feed into filling lines for various reagents. High density polyethylene bottles include leakproof polypropylene closures and rigid, lint-free trays. Features:
Ordering Information: Bottles are packed in shrink-wrapped trays with closures packed in separate polybags within the same carton.
322089-0001 热缩托盘包装窄口包装瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,30毫升容量 322089-0002 热缩托盘包装窄口包装瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,60毫升容量 322089-0004 热缩托盘包装窄口包装瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,125毫升容量 322089-0008 热缩托盘包装窄口包装瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,250毫升容量
- 材质
- 容量
- 化学属性
- 自定义