耐洁/Nalgene_2235-0050_可高温高压灭菌的广口大瓶 带手柄_PP 20L 白色PP螺旋盖 1个/包 4个/箱

耐洁/Nalgene_2235-0050_可高温高压灭菌的广口大瓶 带手柄_PP  20L 白色PP螺旋盖  1个/包 4个/箱

代理商可高温高压灭菌的广口大瓶 带手柄_PP 20L 白色PP螺旋盖 1个/包 4个/箱

PP 20L 白色PP螺旋盖 1个/包 4个/箱

  • 原厂型号

  • 品牌

  • 单件重量

  • 货期

商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)

Nalgene Wide-Mouth Autoclavable Polypropylene Carboys with Handles

Store and transport solids, powders and liquids using Thermo Scientific Nalgene Wide-Mouth Autoclavable Polypropylene Carboys with Handles. These durable natural polypropylene (PP) 

carboys feature a convenient wide-mouth opening to promote ease of cleaning and dispensing. 

The wide-shoulder handles enable easy carrying and pouring, even with gloved hands.


  • Graduated to contain in 1 gal. and 5L increments for ease of use
  • Wide-mouth opening can accommodate overhead mixers
  • Autoclavable
  • Leakproof? white PP 100mm screw closures

2235-0020  可高温高压灭菌的广口大瓶(带手柄),聚丙烯;白色聚丙烯螺旋盖,10L容量

2235-0050  可高温高压灭菌的广口大瓶(带手柄),聚丙烯;白色聚丙烯螺旋盖,20L容量

  • 材质
  • 容量
  • 自定义
  • 包装